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Believe It Or Not, Use Frozen Lemons And Say Goodbye To Diabetes, Tumors, Overweight

    It is an understatement to say that lemons are a super-food. They can provide a lot of health benefits, and can be added as a flavor in many food dishes.

    The juice from the lemon contains huge amounts of antioxidants, and for that reason, lemons can treat many conditions and aliments.

    Only juicing the lemon and drinking the juice will not provide many positive effects, but freezing them and then consuming them will provide you more benefits. Find out why it is better to consume them while frozen, in the article below.

    A lot of vitamins and useful ingredients are contained in the peel of the lemon. These ingredients are very likely to normalize your cholesterol, boost your immune system and reduce the chance of getting cancer.

    It is believed that if you consume lemons this way they can prevent from fungal and bacterial infections, and also can provide anti-microbial effects. Most of this is very important in the process of removing of worms and internal parasites.

    In every detox method, you will find lemon as a main ingredient, it doesn’t matter if you are making lemon tea, lemon water or juice.

    Health Benefits

    Many experts have said that the consumption of fresh veggies and fruits is directly bonded to the decreasing of the risk of many life threatening illnesses. Here are the greatest benefits from Lemons:

    • Lemons reduce the risk of stroke
    • They will prevent from cancer
    • Can boost immunity system
    • Treat inflammation easily
    • Very effective against bacteria fighting
    • Prevents from asthma
    • Can treat depression and stress
    • Able to cleanse the liver and kidneys

    Lemons and Cancer

    Mostly, lemons are used for their amounts of vitamin C in their juice, but the latest researches have shown that, the peel contains even more and far better nutrients.

    Toxic waste from our bodies can be easily removed, if lemon peels are consumed, they have a huge potential. This is why in many cancer treatments, lemons are included.

    Decades of researches were done by scientists who were trying to find out, if lemons are capable of destroying abnormal cancer cells. And many of the studies have confirmed this theory.

    After many laboratory researches since 1970, the experts finally confirmed that frozen lemons can be very effective and can destroy malignant cells in more than 12 cancers. Here are included breast, colon, lung, prostate and pancreas cancer.

    Some of the studies have shown that consuming frozen lemons are more likely to destroy cancer cells, and be more effective than chemotherapy.

    While leaving the healthy cells unharmed and destroying the cancer cells, the studies have proven that lemons are a lot better and safer than chemo therapy.

    Get the Most from Your Lemons

    5-10 more vitamins are contained in the peel of the lemon than in its juice.

    A nutritionist and an expert for women’s health, named Dr. Marilyn Glevenville has explained that the consumption of lemon peels is very healthy for our body. This is what Dr. Marilyn Glevenville said for BBC food:

    “90% of the antioxidants that are contained in the fruit, are included in the peel than in the pulp.”

    She also suggested that:

    “It is a lot better to make a lemon smoothie and drink it than make lemon juice, since most of the beneficial ingredients are inside the peel. That way no nutrient will go to waste.”

    Fruits from the citrus family, are not adored by many, mostly because of their bitter taste of the skin. That is why we will give you a recipe to pull out the most nutrients from your lemons.

    Freeze your lemons

    • With baking soda or cider vinegar, first disinfect your lemons
    • Clean them with water, and use a towel to dry them
    • Freeze them overnight
    • When they are completely frozen, grate the lemon. Everything, including peel, pulp seeds.
    • Then, place them in an ice cube tray, and put them back in the freezer. So when you need a citrus fruit simply take a cube.

    Also the cubes can be added to every dish you eat, it will give them nice flavor and taste. Use grated lemon peels and add them to your green salad, your yoghourt, soup or sauces for your pasta, you can even make ice cream with them.

    Grated lemon can be also added into your tea, juice or your morning smoothie. Use them in baked goods, simply use your imagination, and you will add them in every dish you eat.

