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A Month Before A Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You With These 8 Signals

    It is already a known fact that heart disease and strokes cause the most death all over the world. This is proven by the American Heart and Stroke Association. People who die from a heart attack may be first time sufferers or those who have gotten recurrent heart attacks.

    People suffer from heart attacks because of these reasons:

    • Blockage of one of the arteries.
    • Insufficient blood supply received by the heart.

    More than half a million people suffer from heart attacks every day and a portion of it are not able to recover from the experience. Over the past years, the number of sufferers have steadily increased. This is probably due to the unhealthy lifestyle that people are following over the past years. According to research and reports, it is very likely that people have ignored key symptoms of their impending attack a month before they experience the attack.

    It is best that you take a look at these various symptoms that may possibly be experienced a month before the actual attack.

    Here are some of the signs that you should not ignore:


    If you are about to suffer from an attack, it is likely that you are going to feel a bit dizzy because there is not enough blood flowing all over your body. It is possible that the dizzy spells can last a while and become uncomfortable.

    2. PAIN

    Even a month before the attack, there is a possibility that you are going to experience pain in some parts of your body. Do not ignore if you feel signs of chest pain, arm pain and even shoulder pain. If you start feeling some tightness in these areas, this is your body’s way of telling you that you may suffer from a heart attack soon.


    Another warning sign of a heart attack is a disturbance in your sleep habits. Your subconscious mind may be telling you that something is wrong. You may wake frequently, need to use the bathroom frequently during the night, or experience extreme thirst during the night. If you do not have a logical explanation for these sleep disturbances, see your doctor.


    One of the symptoms of heart attack is experiencing cold sweats. This is because of the uneven blood flow again that the body gets. The body will normally feel cold and will break into sweats from time to time. It is best not to ignore this sign.

    5. FATIGUE

    One early sign of a heart attack is extreme fatigue. Of course, fatigue is a normal feeling after engaging in physical activities or experiencing a long day. However, if you are constantly feeling fatigued and tired, you may need to schedule a check-up with your doctor to monitor the health of your heart.

    It is not natural to get enough sleep, eat well, and not exhaust yourself physically, but still feel exhausted.


    When your heart does not receive sufficient oxygen to function, it can send impulses to you spine. When this happens, the nerves that are interconnected between your heart, spine, and arms send impulses that cause pain in your arms. If you experience numbness in your arm, you may be having a heart attack.


    Abdominal pain may be due to a variety of reasons. You may be experiencing nausea, heartburn or indigestion. These issues should not be overlooked as it can indicate an impending heart attack.


    The lungs would need blood in order to work effectively. If your lungs become distressed because of the lack of oxygen, this is a sure sign that your heart is having some issues. If you suddenly experience difficulty in breathing, you need to have yourself checked by the doctor soon.

    Keeping watch for these early warning signs of a heart attack could save your life. Share this information with your loved ones to protect their heart, too!

